The societal challenges of cyberattacks
From a consequence management perspective, the effects of a cyberattack on a city or town are chillingly similar to a flooding scenario and could have a significant bearing on individual resilience and community cohesion. So says Andy Marshal in the next edition of CRJ, where he looks at the challenges that come with responding to, and recovering from, a cyberattack.

The societal consequences of a cyberattack can be compared to those of major flooding (photo: tomgigabite | shutterstock)
He looks specifically at consequence management and asks how local responders ‘on the ground’ may need to be trained, exercised and organised to deal with the potentially indiscriminate societal impacts of a cyberattack.
Andy speaks to senior figures within the resilience and infrastructure fields in the UK, including the UK Police lead on cyber security, while also getting a view on work that is underway in the US.
A real first for CRJ, Andy also gets a compelling view from the Pacific Northwest National Laboratories on how the US in general, and Washington State in particular, are beginning to look at the pressing individual, community and regional challenges that may well arise when a cyberattack is successful.
Andy Marshal, 27/02/2015