Cyber strategy retreat
The Cyber Strategy Retreat is a business strategy event that features executive panels, roundtable discussions and keynote presentations from Eric McNulty, Cathryn Marshall, Lee Haney and Keyaan Williams.

This sixth conference will continue the mission of CLASS-LLC to promote cross functional collaboration between executive peers – especially those who are responsible for cybersecurity risk.
The monetary damage caused by cybercrime has been increasing exponentially since the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) started tracking statistics in 2000. IC3 reports that almost 800,000 internet crime complaints in 2020 led to losses exceeding $4.2 billion in the US alone.
The Cyber Strategy Retreat offers an appealing experience for participants, no matter how they connect. The live event will be broadcast from the Buckhead Club in Atlanta, Georgia on July 14–15. In addition to integrating questions from virtual attendees into the panel discussions, dedicated roundtable sessions have been scheduled to ensure the virtual audience has the same premium experience as live attendees.
For more information, visit here