Firefighter wrestled beheading suspect to the ground
Advisory Panel Member Christophe Libeau describes how the brave actions of a firefighter at the scene tragic attack on a factory in central eastern France helped prevent the incident from becoming even worse.
After three days of terrorist attacks in January in the Paris region (CRJ 10:4), and an aborted terrorist attempt on churches in the Parisian suburbs in April, France is once again in shock at the latest violent crime to be added to the long list of terror.

Police at the scene of the Air Products Gas factory in Saint-Quentin-Fallavier (Konrad K / Sipa / Rex)
Last Friday, June 26, a man decapitated his boss, hung his head on the fence of a hazardous materials plant and attempted to cause an explosion of gas canisters in the facilities.
The attack took place at the Air Products gas factory in Saint-Quentin-Fallavier.
This incident created a maximum level of horror with minimal resources: a knife, a truck belonging to the company and the perpetrator’s professional entry badge for the secure plant. Hervé Cornara joined the sad list of people decapitated by groups affiliated to ISIS.
Luckily, the man did not succeed in his aim of creating a fire or setting off an explosion. This was, in no small part, thanks to the efforts of a firefighter, who was called to the scene with his colleagues after a fire started in the industrial plant.
The brave officer struck the criminal in the face and managed to pin him down until the police arrived.
Without the presence of mind and the courage of this firefighter, the situation could have been far worse…
This is a lesson shown from the events in January: The spirit of resilience is everywhere in France.
Christophe Libeau, 30/06/2015